
V laboratorio de economia de paz


On 23 May, the 5th Laboratory on Peace Economics, Human Rights and Basque Business will be held, organised by Gernika Gogoratuz in collaboration with EhuGune, REAS Euskadi, Economists without Borders and the Coordinating Committee of NGOs of the Basque Country. The event will take place at the Bizkaia Aretoa and can be followed on the EHUtb Service channel via streaming.

This edition continues with the work carried out in previous years and the themes will be the challenges that our world presents in areas such as climate change and the growth of inequalities, global pandemics and the war in Ukraine, which reveal the fragility of social, political and economic institutions to face them.

The programme will run from 9:00 to 14: 00h and will include the participation of David Hoyos (Ehugune UPV-EHU), María Oianguren (Gernika Gogoratuz), Amador Fernández Savater (independent researcher and activist), Gema Galdón Clavell (director of Éticas Consulting), Álvaro Campos (PhD in Thermal Engineering at the Bilbao School of Engineering), José Ramón Mariño (economist of the ATTAC Bizkaia Association), Laura Ruiz (Economists without Borders), Marian Díaz (REAS Euskadi), Guillermo Miró (Bilbao Chamber of Commerce) and Iker Atxa (expert in Social Innovation) among others.


The session will be held semi-attendance and will be broadcast on the EHUtb Service channel.
Capacity is limited, to attend in person it is compulsory to register.