“Art obtains a more precise form or expression when its motivation is clear. If it is motivated by peace, the purpose of art will be the creation of new meanings, narratives, representations, devices, symbolic spaces and subjectivities related to peace”. (Alex Carrascosa, 2021)
Meetings, exhibitions and interventions
· Artistic exhibition “Territorios en Conflicto“. From June 21st to July 5th 2021, at Astra Gernika-Fabrica Social de Creación Cultural.
· Infographics about the results of the IV Peace Economics Lab by Alex Carrascosa, October 28th 2020..
· Colouring peace and coexistence in Florencia (Caquetá, Colombia). December from 1st to 29th 2020.
· “Can art stop a bullet? William Kelly’s Big Picture” documentary presentation. October 29th 2020.
· Himmelstaush project – Sky exchange. The sky of Berlin flies over the sky of Guernica. September 21st 2019.
· VII Art and Peace seminar. Memory and space in urban art. October 27th and 28th 2017.
· Cuerpos Gramaticales workshop by the collective AgroArte (Colombia). October 28th 2017.
·”Theatre of the Oppressed” in collaboration with Harrobia and Gernikako Bakearen Museoa Fundazioa. From October 26th 2017 to October 7th 2018.
· VI International Meeting of Art and Peace of Gernika: “La letra con arte entra”. 2014.
· I International Congress of Art, Memory and Democracy: “From Picasso’s Guernica to the present day”. 2012.
· V International Meeting of Art and Peace of Gernika: “Kids’ Guernica: An art project for peace”. 2012.
· IV International Meeting of Art and Peace of Guernica: “Art in the midst of conflict”. 2009.
· III International Meeting of Art and Peace of Gernika: “Citizen participation through art in the construction of peace. 2007.
· II International Meeting of Art and Peace of Gernika in the framework of the V International Congress of Museums for Peace 2005.
· Bombardment of poems about Gernika by the Casagrande Collective of Chile. 2004
· I International Meeting of Art and Peace of Guernica: “From Guernica to Guernica”. 2003
· The artivist embarkation. By Alex Carrascosa, Iratxe Momoitio and Maria Oianguren. 2018
· La asamblea artivista. By Alex Carrascosa. “Por la Paz” Nº 32 ICIP. 2017
· The construction of social organism as a work of art (repeating Beuys). By Alex Carrascosa. AusArt. Vol. 4, Núm. 2. 2016
· Dia Tekhné. Dialogue through art. Alex Carrascosa. 2009
· Pedagogy of Memory. The Bombing of Guernica. Peace Pedagogy through Memory and Art. By María Oianguren and Alex Carrascosa (coords.) 2008