The team of young people participating in the summer camp of the European project Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators travelled on Monday 15th August to Zagreb (Croatia) where the two-week programme of activities began. In the 2022 edition Gernika Gogoratuz has five young people: Maitane Urkiaga, Maria Malaxetxebarria, Olaia Mujika, Garazi Saez, Nere Ibinaga and Aitor Zabala who were selected in an open call last May.
Despite the high summer temperatures, and thanks to a highly motivated team and interested participants, a successful start was made, consisting of getting to know each other, an introduction to the theme of the meeting, a visit to the city and the first workshops on the themes of “Past, history, memory and remembrance”. In the coming days, in addition to the excursion to the Jasenovac memorial, the programme will mainly include a continuation of the trip to Rijeka and the exploration of historical sites along the Croatian coast.
The summer camp is part of the international activities and meetings held for youth workers and educators to increase their knowledge and broaden their perspectives. The organisers also hope to establish a sustainable cooperation structure between different institutions of historical and political/civil education (places of remembrance, research institutions, educational centres and other youth education institutions).
Gernika Gogoratuz participates as a partner organisation in the project Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators. Mapping, decoding & processing the role of historical – civic education in (European) Youth Work together with Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past from Croatia, United Societies of Balkans from Greece, Stiftung Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar from Germany, Lietuvos gyventoju genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras from Lithuania, UMAR – União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta from Portugal and Socialna Akademija – Zavod Za Izobrazevanje, Raziskovanje in Kulturo from Slovenia.
The project is implemented with the support of our partner organisations in Croatia, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Germany, as well as with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Youth programme, funds from the Federal Plan for Children and Youth (KJP), the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES Dialogue Southeast Europe).
En la nueva fase del viaje el grupo ha viajado al Memorial de Jasenovac para tratar in situ el tema “La violencia y el surgimiento de las dictaduras europeas de posguerra”.
Una vez en Rijeka, en la costa croata, se trabajan temas como “Ideología, sociedad y legitimación”. Un punto culminante del proyecto ha sido la visita a la isla de “Goli Otok” con el tema “Violencia y gobierno” en cooperación con la Fundación Friedrich Ebert (FES Dialogue Southeast Europe). También participaron Marko Filipovic (alcalde de Rijeka), Petar Mamula (representante de la región de Rijeka), el Dr. Ralf Melzer (director de la oficina regional de la FES en Sarajevo), la Dra. Sonja Schirmbeck (directora de la oficina internacional de la FES en Zagreb) y Harald Seibel (director del departamento económico y representante permanente del embajador de la República Federal de Alemania en Croacia).