Pedagogy of memory around the bombing of Gernika

Memoria colectiva

On this page we present the work that Gernika Gogoratuz, the Peace Research Centre has carried out in the field of citizen diplomacy as a pedagogy of memory and the culture of peace. It also highlights the symbolic gestures that facilitated the process of reconciliation between Gernika Gogoratuz, the Basque Country

and Germany which, together with the creation of the Centre itself in 1987 and the Gernika Peace Museum in 1988, underpinned the “City of Peace” Prize awarded by UNESCO to the town for the Europe region in 2002-2003.

The bombing of Gernika

On 26 April 1937, the German Condor Legion and the Italian air forces allied to Franco’s army, militarily revolted against the democratically elected Spanish Republic, bombed Guernica. There were other bombings, however, the bombing of the historic town occupies a place of reference among the air raids against the civilian population.

The denunciation of George Steer and other war correspondents in the international media and Picasso’s “El Guernica”, the plastic expression of the most emblematic painting of the 20th century, makes it the universal symbol of the horror of war.

Since the beginnings, Gernika Gogoratuz has pursued a dual purpose to promote peace building. To incorporate the dimension of critical thinking into memory studies and to contribute to the strengthening of coexistence in democratic societies. To this end, participatory methodologies have been developed for the social construction of memory in societies affected by war and political violence and, at the same time, theoretical frameworks have been proposed with diverse approaches that provide a methodology for the construction of fair, sustainable and peaceful alternatives for life.

In the field of memory pedagogy research, it is important to open spaces to listen to testimonies of people affected by violence and to enable dialogue processes that allow for understanding the historical context and identifying the impact of wars, armed conflicts and human rights violations.
These spaces favour critical reflection on the past and promote the assumption of personal and collective responsibilities, allowing society to become involved in processes of clarifying the truth, reparation and reconstruction of coexistence.

Commemorative anniversaries

1987 / 50th Anniversary

In 1987, in the context of the 50th anniversary of the bombing, three events determined the origin of Gernika Gogoratuz, which was born with the aim of contributing, with proposals generated or supported by scientific reflection, linked to the town and/or the symbol of Gernika, to the achievement of an emancipating and just peace on a global scale and in the Basque Country in particular.

On 10 April, the Basque Parliament agrees to pay tribute to the victims of fascism in Gernika and ratifies its commitment to the defence of democracy.

At the same time, a group of people with pacifist, ecologist and feminist backgrounds, and UPV-EHU professors committed to peace and conflict studies, set up the “Gernika Gogoratuz” Peace Research Association.

On 18 April, Petra Kelly, pacifist, environmentalist and feminist MEP visits Gernika and calls for the creation of a Meeting Centre for Peace and Reconciliation.

Exposición itinerante Gernika Gogoeratuz-1987
Petra Kelly. Gesto de Reconciliación

1997 / 60th Anniversary

Gernika Gogoratuz commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika together with the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, the survivors of the air raid, the citizens of Gernika and its sister city of Pforzheim, within the framework of the 7th Conference for Culture and Peace. This event is also a memorial and tribute to the life, work and political legacy of Petra Karin Kelly.

The proposals made at the level of citizen diplomacy made the process of reconciliation between Guernica and Germany possible. The rapprochement between the two sides culminated in a gesture of great symbolic value: the greeting of Roman Herzog, President of Germany, addressed to the collective of survivors of the bombing.

The research for the memory recuperation of the collective of men and women survivors of the bombing of Gernika initiates the line of work of memory studies and culture of peace with the aim of opening spaces of encounter. Its aim is to analyse the consequences of wars, learn the lessons of recent history and debate the proposals emerging from the peace agenda.

The collective of men and women survivors, through Luis Iriondo, read a joint communiqué of reconciliation.

Petra Kelly Gernika Gogoratuz

Petra Kelly statement

Bundestag, proposición no de ley

German parliamentary non-legislative motion. A gesture of reconciliation for peaceful and friendly coexistence.

Declaración de culpa de Berlín

The Berlin initiative “60 years since Gernika-against oblivion” guilt statement

Mensaje de Herzog

Message from the German President Roman Herzog

Gesto del embajador aleman en Gernika

I Meeting of the collective of survivors of the Gernika bombing in which the greeting from the President of Germany, Roman Herzog, was read out.

Discurso Luis Iriondo 1997

Speech by Luis Iriondo. Survivor of the bombing

2007 / 70th Anniversary

The Erich Maria Remarque Association based in Osnabrück (Germany) visits Gernika with the aim of discussing future collaboration projects on issues of Historical Memory on which Gernika Gogoratuz is already working.

Gernika Gogoratuz proposes a metaphor under the slogan “The art of remembering Gernika. Historical remembrance and commitment to peace” around art as an aesthetic experience to reflect its work in the field of memory and peace-building.


The Erich Maria Remarque Association’s visit to Gernika

The Art of Remembering Gernika.

2017 / 80th Anniversary

On April 25 and 26, Dieprand von Richthofen and Karl-Benedikt von Moreau visited Gernika at the invitation of Gernika Gogoratuz to take part in the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika.

Dieprand von Richthofen (hijo) y Karl-Benedikt von Moreau (sobrino) de los pilotos que bombardearon Gernika en abril de 1937.

80 aniversario bombardeo de Gernika

Meetings of the collective of men and women survivors of the bombing of Gernika

Gernika Gogoratuz organises the meetings of male and female survivors every year from 1997 to 2010.

These activities are key to the recovery of historical memory through the narratives of the protagonists.

In 1997, during the 60th anniversary commemoration, the first meeting of survivors is held in the market square in Guernica.

The collective of men and women survivors, through Luis Iriondo, read a joint statement of reconciliation.

Carta al ministro de cultura Mariano Rajoy

1999. III Encuentro

The survivors’ collective asked the then Government Minister of Culture to clarify the authorship of the Bombing of Guernica.

Carta de Ellen Fritsche

2001. V Encuentro

The “Life Stories” project is presented, with the participation of sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of the survivors.

Ellen Fritsche, daughter of Commander Von Richthofen from Germany sends a letter to the survivors of Guernica.

Declaracion de sobrevivientes

2002. VI Encuentro

Artists from different parts of the world meet with survivors of the bombing of Guernica and relatives of survivors of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first Historical Memory exhibition is organised.

Llamamiento Irak 2003

2003. VII Encuentro

The survivors of Dresden (Germany) and Guernica write a joint manifesto against armed intervention in Iraq.

Visita de Nora Lang a Gernika 2004

2004. VIII Encuentro

Dresden bombing survivors Nora Lang and Helga Sievers and the Mayor of Pforzheim, Christel Augenstein, visit Guernica.

Gernika/Guernica. Anita Glesta

2006. X Encuentro

The presentation of the project “Gernika. From the sky to the bottom” by the artist Anita Glesta from New York in which Gernika Gogoratuz collaborates.

Encuentro de sobrevivientes 2007

2007. XI Encuentro

On the 70th anniversary of the commemoration of the bombing of Gernika, a meeting is held with representatives of the three associations of children of the war in the Basque Country (Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Araba) and representatives of the collective of survivors of the bombing of Durango and Otxandio.

libro con fotografias de sobrevivientes del bombardeo de Gernika

2009. XIII Encuentro

The photo book with images of the 10 years of meetings, lunches and activities of the survivors of the bombing of Gernika (1997-2008) is presented.

Gernika es

2010. XIVEncuentro

The meeting is held to share life stories and commemorations with testimonies from Otxandio (22 July 1936), Durango (31 March 1937), Sant Adriá de Besós (1937 and 1938), Nagasaki (9 August 1945) and Gernika (26 April 1037).

Citizen diplomacy and practices
for a pedagogy of memory

Research programmes, exhibitions and the production of documents have led to innovative initiatives that have contributed to the culture of peace through advocacy and collaboration with numerous regional, national and international networks.

The initiatives carried out at the level of citizen diplomacy, complementary to those carried out by traditional actors, make the process of reconciliation between Guernica and Germany possible.

Testimonies of men and women survivors

“Luis Iriondo. Memories”. Canal @karmeliri. Carmelo Iriondo Alberdi. 2024

Memoria de un sobreviviente

Memory of a survivor. Luis Iriondo. Superviviente. 2017

Testimonio de Luis Iriondo

Testimonial by Luis Iriondo. Survivor. 2007

Testimonio de Pedro Baliño

Testimonial by Pedro Baliño. Survivor . 2000

Recuerdos del bombardeo de Gernika

Memories of the bombing of Guernica. Miren de Gomeza Ibieta. Survivor. 1996

Messages of reconciliation

Mensaje de las familias Von Richthofen y Von Moreau

Message from the Von Richthofen and Von Moreau Families. 2017

Carta de Ellen Fritsche

Ellen Fritsche, daughter of Commander Von Richthofen sends letter to survivors. 2001


Roman Herzog

Letter from Roman Herzog, President of the Federal Republic of Germany. 1997

Discurso de Luis iriondo, superviviente del bombardeo de Gernika

Speech by Luis Iriondo on behalf of the survivors of the bombing of Gernika. 1997

Petra Kelly. Gesto de Reconciliación

Petra Kelly: Gernika – Gesture of Reconciliation. 1987

“Let’s walk together for peace” Initiative

The initiative “Let’s walk together in Peace” is a peace association formed by the survivors of the bombings of Gernika, Dresden (Germany), Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Tsuchizaki (Japan).

“Let’s walk together in Peace” is based in Gernika Gogoratuz.

The aim of the initiative is:
– To agree on the resources to avoid war or violence with innocent victims.
– The abolition of nuclear weapons.
– To propagate the need for peace.
– To work for the continuation of peace work by new generations.

Iniciativa "Marchemos juntos en Paz"

Initiative “Let’s walk together in peace”. Letter from Luis Iriondo. 2018

Marchemos juntos en Paz. Gernika Gogoratuz

Protest against North Korea’s nuclear experiment. 2017

Marchemos juntos en Paz

Signature for a cooperation of victims from Guernica and Nagasaki. 2013

Marchemos juntos en Paz

Declaration of City Accession, Japan. 2013

Marchemos juntos en Paz

Declaration of City Accession, Hiroshima. 2013

Marchemos juntos en Paz. Gernika Gogoratuz

Let’s walk together for peace. Letter from Mr. Barack Obama. 2013

Marchemos juntos en Paz. Gernika Gogoratuz

Letter from Luis Iriondo to the Ambassador of the United States of America. 2013

Marchemos juntos en Paz

Collaboration agreement between the victims of Gernika and Nagasaki (Spanish). 2012

Marchemos juntos en Paz. Gernika Gogoratuz

Let’s walk together in peace. Letter to Mr. Barack Obama. 2012

Letters from Nora Lang, Dresden bombing survivor

Carta de Nora Lang, superviviente del bombardeo de Dresden

Card “4 small red roses” 2022

Carta de Nora Lang, superviviente del bombardeo de Dresden

Letter from Jürgen v. Strauwitz 2022


Carta de Nora Lang, superviviente del bombardeo de Dresden

Call for world peace from Dresden. 2022

Carta de Nora Lang, superviviente del bombardeo de Dresden

Q&A with other survivors. 2022

Nora Lang. Bombardeo de Gernika

A symbol of hope and reconciliation. 2000

Re-discovering Guernica

In terms of citizen diplomacy, activities are carried out to make issues visible and place them on international agendas.

In 1992, a campaign against the German Ministry of Defence for the use of “Guernica” in recruitment posters for military service.

The second campaign to highlight is the 2003 initiative “Re-discover Guernica” for the concealment of the replica of “Guernica” at the UN headquarters in the face of the invasion of Iraq and as an appeal for peace.

Carta ONU


Every year, activities are carried out that provide a line of studies on memory and the culture of peace, allowing spaces to evoke memories, summon intentions and provoke reflections on the collective construction of peaceful coexistence.

Gernika Culture and Peace Conference

Organised since 1991 as part of the commemoration of the Bombing of Gernika in collaboration with the town council.

Cartel Jornas de Cultura y Paz 2024

XXXIV Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2024

XXXIII jornadas de cultura y paz de Gernika

XXXIII Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2023


XXXII Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2022

Jornadas Cultura y Paz de Gernika 2021

XXXI Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2021

En recuerdo del bombardeo de Gernika 2020

In remembrance of the bombing of Gernika together with the Gernika Peace Museum. 2020

Jornadas de Cultura y Paz de Gernika 2019

XXIX Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2019

Jornadas Cultura y Paz de Gernika 2018

XXVIII Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2018

Jornadas de Cultura y Paz de Gernika 2017

XXVII Culture and Peace International Convention of Gernika. 2017

See all editions of the conference since 1991

Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference in Gernika

Gernika Gogoratuz, Gernikatik Mundura and Ideasur in collaboration with the City Council and the Kultur Etxea of Gernika have been organising these meetings for reflection and artistic expression in Astra, a former arms factory since 2013.

The objectives are the denunciation of militarism and the war industry, as well as the recovery of historical memory.

cartel de las Jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria histórica 2024

XI Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2024

X Jornadas Antimilitaristas y de Memoria Histórica de Gernika

X Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2022

IX jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria histórica de Gernika 2021

IX Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2021

VIII jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria histórica de Gernika. 2020

VIII Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2020

VII jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria histórica de Gernika. 2019

VII Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2019

VI jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria histórica de Gernika. 2018

VI Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2018

V Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2017

Jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria historica de Gernika 2016

IV Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2016

Jornadas Antimilitaristas 2015

III Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2015

Jornadas antimilitaristas y de memoria historica 2014

II Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2014

I Antimilitarist and Historical Memory Conference of Gernika. 2013

Additional activities

Gurs Memory

Tour of the Gurs countryside (France). 2024

Research projects

As part of the line of work on memory studies and the culture of peace, studies and training activities are carried out in order to develop a pedagogy of memory. Over the years, the following are carried out

projects to encourage the exchange of experiences and foster intergenerational dialogue.

Pedagogía de la Memoria. El Bombardeo de Gernika. Pedagogía de Paz a través de la memoria y el arte. María Oianguren y Alex Carrascosa (coords.)

Pedagogía de la Paz a través de la memoria. El bombardeo de Gernika

From the pedagogy of memory, it deals with the “Bombing of Gernika” in the context of the Spanish Civil War for its study and exhibition in the educational field. Funded by the Ministry of the Presidency. Government of Spain and Gernika Gogoratuz. 2007 – 2008. The didactic unit accompanies the documentary El bombardeo de Gernika.

Cultural heritage. Identity and Conflict

CRIC. Cultural heritage in the reconstruction of identities after the conflict.

Research project within the European programme (2008-2012) in which a study was carried out at local level to explore the collective memory of the bombing, its integration into contemporary identity and the development of the symbolic and memorial landscape of Gernika. Funded by the European Union within the Cooperation programme under the Seventh EU Framework Programme (ID FP7-SSH-2007-5.2.1 History and identities).

Art and Memory

Creative activities are carried out to create a pedagogy of memory that contributes to the transformation of conflicts in a peaceful way.

Himmelstausch - Intercambio de cielos. Gernika-berlin

Himmelstausch – Exchange of skies. The Berlin sky flies over the sky of Guernica. 2019

Memoria y espacio en el arte urbano

Memory and art in urban space. 2017

Anita Glesta

Gernika/Guernica. Desde el cielo, hasta el fondo (Hell castings from heaven). 2017

Congreso arte, memoria y democracia

1st International Congress, Art, Memory and Democracy. 2012

Kids Gernika

Kids Guernica. An international art project for democracy. 2012

Published materials

The Gernika Network Collection publishes audiovisual materials and monographs in the field of memory studies and culture of peace.

In addition, Gernika Gogoratuz also collaborates in the publication of materials with other organisations.


Gernika. Ciudad de Paz. Diálogos

Gernika. Ciudad de la Paz. Diálogos. 2018

Argazki marrazki

Argazki marrazki. 2013

Ikusmen ahotsa. La voz visual

La voz visual. 2008

Bizi naizen lekutik Gernikatik

Bizi naizen lekutik. 2008

The mark of men. Bombardeo de Gernika

The mark of men. 1998

La huella humana. El bombardeo de Gernika

La huella humana. 1998



Bonanzas culturales y barbarismos mercantiles. Del recuerdo del bombardeo de Gernika y otros «bienes» culturales. Kepa Fernández de Larrinoa y Daniel Rementeria Arruza. 2023

El hospital militar de prisioneros de guerra de Gernika

El hospital militar de prisioneros de guerra de Gernika 1938-1940 Gernikako gerra-presoen ospitale militarra. Coord. Amagoia Lopez de Larruzea Zarate. 2022

Ingo Niebel

El #Gernika80 y Alemania, ¿Un ejemplo a seguir?. En “Narrativas de resistencia y solidaridad”. V Jornadas Antimilitaristas y Memoria Histórica de Gernika en Astra. 2019

Gernika es

«Gernika es» – «Gernika bada». Retratos de rostros presentes. 2010

XIX jornadas internacionales de cultura y paz de Gernika

Historias de vida, lugares simbólicos y reconstrucción de identidades en la construcción de la paz XIX Jornadas Internacionales de Cultura y Paz de Gernika. 2010

Pedagogía de la Memoria. El Bombardeo de Gernika. Pedagogía de Paz a través de la memoria y el arte. María Oianguren y Alex Carrascosa (coords.)

Pedagogía de la Memoria. El Bombardeo de Gernika. Pedagogía de Paz a través de la memoria y el arte. María Oianguren y Alex Carrascosa (coords.). 2008

Gernika/Guernica. Anita Glesta

Gernika / Guernica. Desde el cielo hasta el fondo. Anita Glesta. 2007

Colección Red Gernika: Gernika y Alemania. Historia de una reconciliación. Michael Kasper

Gernika y Alemania: Historia de una reconciliación. Michael Kasper. 1998

Petra Kelly. Gesto de Reconciliación

Petra Kelly: Gernika – Gesto de Reconciliación. 1997

Colección Red Gernika: Memoria colectiva del bombardeo de Gernika. María Jesús Cava Mesa con la colaboración de María Silvestre y Javier Arranz.

Memoria colectiva del bombardeo de Gernika. María Jesús Cava Mesa con la colaboración de María Silvestre y Javier Arranz. 1996

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