Beyond 2015: the EU facing the new MDGs. XIV Francisco Javier de Landaburu Universitas Europe research award 2015

Beyond 2015: the EU facing the new MDGs. XIV Francisco Javier de Landaburu Universitas Europe research award 2015


In this book, EUROBASK, the Basque Council of the European Movement, publishes the winning research papers of the XIV Francisco Javier de Landaburu UNIVERSITAS Award 2015.

Reaffirming its commitment to the European social model, the construction of a cohesive social Europe and the promotion of a plural, critical and open debate on European issues, and taking into account that the United Nations dedicated 2015 to the Millennium Development Goals, EUROBASK announced the Francisco Javier de Landaburu Universitas 2015 Research Prize on European issues under the following topic:

Beyond 2015: the EU facing the new MDGs.
Democratic, socio-economic, educational, security, energy, health, agricultural and environmental challenges.


José María González Zorrilla

Winning essay
“Post-2015 European Solidarity under debate: Is an alternative agenda for the European Union’s development and international cooperation policies possible?
Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren

Winners of the accesits
“The generation of Social Value as the backbone of the European Union”.
Leire San José Ruiz de Aguirre, José Luis Retolaza.

The EU and its role in the international promotion of democracy and human rights through transnational justice measures”.
Marta Gil Blasco, Miguel Xabier Arteta Arilla

Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren
Leire San José Ruiz de Aguirre
José Luis Retolaza
Marta Gil Blasco
Miguel X. Arteta Arilla

Basque Council of the European Movement

Edition: Print run: 2015 December 2015.

Eusko Legabiltzarra / Parlamento Vasco
Kanpo Harremanetarako Idazkaritza Nagusia. Eusko Jaurlaritza / Secretaria General de Acción Exterior. Gobierno Vasco.
Arabako Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Álava.
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.


December 2015


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