Peace-Building in the Columbian Amazon. Local experiences in peace culture. Fernando Cruz Artunduaga, Anibal Quiroga Tovar, Guillermo León Artunduaga

Peace-Building in the Columbian Amazon. Local experiences in peace culture. Fernando Cruz Artunduaga, Anibal Quiroga Tovar, Guillermo León Artunduaga

This publication is part of the activities evolving around the Garidka project. By being available to all the various readers, this work tries to bring the following groups closer to each other: People who participate in managing and realizing the work for socio-education and peace-culture in the complex scenery of the department of Caquet´s (Columbia) and other parts of the world.


Cruz Artunduaga, Fernando; Quiroga Tovar, Anibal; León Artunduaga, Guillermo (coords.) (2012)

Presentación: María Oianguren Idigoras, directora de Gernika Gogoratuz. Centro de Investigación por la Paz.

Financiada por Gernika Gogoratuz y la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia-Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia.

Bilbao: Bakeaz y Gernika Gogoratuz. Red Gernika nº13. 151 p.

ISBN: 978-84-92084-09-2

P.V.P: 13,00 €


April 2012


Publications Red Gernika