Beyond the violence. Conflict resolution process in Northern Ireland. Mari Fitzduff.

Beyond the violence. Conflict resolution process in Northern Ireland. Mari Fitzduff.

As the title is already hinting, Mary Fitzduff’s essay is specifically about the conflict in Northern Ireland. However, although the conflict in Northern Ireland has its own causes it shares a lot of traits and parallels with other non global conflicts at the end of that century. Like the majority of other similar conflicts it is related to ethnical breaches, breaches that, like in Bosnia – but unlike Euskadi or other conflicts in Central America – are rather related to religion and different historic roads than to language or race.


Prologue by Peider Könz

I. A divided Island
II. Equity work
III. Community dialoge and cooperation
IV. The next Generation
V. Cultural traditions
VI. Policing the conflict
VII. Challenging the armed struggle
VIII. Political Initiatives – Tracks one and two
IX. Training for change
X. Peace by piece?
XI. Lessons learned

Appendix I


This publication is sponsored by Gernika Gogoratuz in collaboration with the Departamento de Justicia, Economía, Trabajo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno Vasco and the Dirección General IA Derechos Humanos y Democratización de la Comisión Europea.
Original Title: Beyond Violence: Conflict Resolution Processes in Northern Ireland, Tokio, The United Nations University, 1996.
Translation into spanish: Teresa Toda.

Mari Fitzduff, 1998


April 1998


Publications Red Gernika