The artivist embarkation (La embarcada artivista) is an initiative of the Peace Research Center Gernika Gogoratuz and the Gernika Peace Museum for the lighthouse of the European Capital of Culture in 2016, Donostia-San Sebastián. It is designed as a process of investigation and action evolving around the contribution of art approaching civil, social and environmental challenges of our time.
“La Embarcada Artivista” collects the lines of work and experiences of social movements and activists, both local and international, who led the project meetings.
We embark on an imaginary ship to navigate through three rough seas:
- The sea of Civil Rights and Duties.
- The sea of Human Rights and Duties.
- The sea of Environmental Rights and Duties.
And we set out on the propeller and helm of ‘artivism’ or social and political activism through creative and nonviolent means.
Five classes of activities determined the directions and drifts of the Embarcada Artivista:
- Generative Dialogue Circles between citizens and artivist individuals or groups. Each Circle lasted 3 hours.
- Laboratory sessions, inspired from the Circles, where we address different social urgencies through a participatory dynamic that combined, on an artistic structure, processes of dialogue, group self-organization, and prototyping of citizen interventions. Its duration ranged between 6 and 8 hours.
- Civic Actions, designed and programmed during the Laboratory Sessions by all the participants.
- Exhibitions of all materials, generated throughout all the voyages. Arpilleras Exhibition (Balmaseda, Gernika-Lumo and San Sebastián) and this last final exhibition.
- Forums.
Gernikako Bakearen Museoa Fundazioa
Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika
Liburuaren kordinatzailea / Coordinadora del libro:
Iratxe Momoitio Astorkia
Copyright: Gernikako Bakearen Museoa Fundazioa, Gernika Gogoratuz Fundazioa eta autoreak
Set: Museoak, Bakea eta Giza Eskubideen Bilduma IV
“Itsasoratze artibista” ekimenaren kordinatzaileak / Coordinadores de la iniciativa “La embarcada artivista”:
Alex Carrascosa (Artibista and initiative coordinator)