“Suspended Land. Threats and resistance in Cabo Delgado” (Tierra en suspenso: amenazas y resistencias en Cabo Delgado) Mozambique

“Suspended Land. Threats and resistance in Cabo Delgado” (Tierra en suspenso: amenazas y resistencias en Cabo Delgado) Mozambique

“Tierra en Suspenso: amenazas y resistencias en Cabo Delgado” (“Suspended Land. Threats and resistance in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique”) shows testimonies of people and organizations about their resistance against armed violence by different groups and against the activity of the big transnational enterprises.

Produced by Bagabaga Studios and Gernika Gogoratuz.

Duration: 29 minutes

Language: Portuguese with spanish subtitles.


November 2019


Audiovisuals, Territories in Conflict

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