War, forced displacement and responses to the crisis in Cabo Delgado (Mozambique). Gernika Gogoratuz, CEAP and AeA

War, forced displacement and responses to the crisis in Cabo Delgado (Mozambique). Gernika Gogoratuz, CEAP and AeA

For more than 5 years, Gernika Gogoratuz and the Centre for Peace Studies and Action have been developing a research-action-participation process in northern Mozambique within the framework of the Territories in Conflict project, in order to build an action plan for peace and coexistence in Cabo Delgado, led by the displaced communities.

This report joins other initiatives and research carried out by GgG, CEAP and AeA, which aim to make a critical and constructive contribution to the analysis of the armed conflict and the response to it.
The three organisations assume that a deeper understanding of the reality of Cabo Delgado is necessary in order to improve the situation of the people affected by this war. This requires complex analyses, the incorporation of approaches that reveal the inadequacies of current development, humanitarian and military operations, and that promote the participation and strengthening of the agency of displaced communities and the inhabitants of Cabo Delgado.

The study aims to deepen local knowledge and understanding of the context, capacities and strategies of actors and institutions, as well as the processes of forced internal displacement in Cabo Delgado province.


Introduction and context of the study

Chapter 1. Armed Conflict, Causes and Flows of Internal Displacement in Cabo Delgado
Chapter 2. Description of the arrival process and the conditions of settlement and reception
Chapter 3. Integration and return processes
Chapter 4. Analysis of risks and conflicts in the processes of reception and integration of displaced communities
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Informe de
Ayuda en Acción

Jesús Pérez Marty

Ayuda en Acción y Gernika Gogoratuz

Elaborado por
Gernika Gogoratuz
Centro de Investigación por la Paz

Jokin Alberdi
Teresa Cunha
Liliana Zambrano
Aventina Matusse
Alberto Ernesto
Lázaro Cossa

Año de publicación 2022


February 2023


Territories in Conflict