
No más Hiroshima! ¡No más Nagasaki


This year holds the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is also the last year to achieve the “Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision” a project which hopes to manage the abolition of nuclear weapons while the victims of said bombings are still here to be witnesses.

The commemoration ceremonies of “Mayors for Peace 2020” are built around the idea of “No more Hiroshima! No more Nagasaki!” which wants to give all people who cannot visit the bombing sites themselves, the possibility to share the wish of the “hibakusha” – “No one should have to suffer like we had to.”

How to participate in “No more Hiroshima! No more Nagasaki!”

  • Vídeo.

Liking and sharing this video which contains messages of the survivors, government representatives, NGOs and the cities participating in “Mayors for Peace 2020”.

  • Webinar about peace

Participating in the webinar which takes place on the 4th ofAugust.
Participants will be young people from Hiroshima and Nagasaki who realise peace culture activities as well as young people from all over the world.
The webinar will begin with a conference about international circumstances related to nuclear weapons. Afterwards the participants will prepare a presentation about their peace service activities and they will exchange their ideas and opinions.

The seminar will be streamed live on YouTube with the goal to encourage young people to participate in peace building activities.