
documental "Tierra en Suspenso"


On 6th of November the documentary «Tierra en Suspenso. Amenazas y resistencias en Cabo Delgado» («Suspended Land. Threats and resistance in Cabo Delgado ») will be presented at the new locality of CTXT of Madrid. It is co-organized by Gernika Gogoratuz and the African Studies Group of the Autonomous University of Madrid (GEA/UAM).

Boaventura Monjane, social activist and director of the documentary and Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren, Profesor of the UPV/EHU and member of Gernika Gogoratuz (Peace Research Center) are participating in the forum.

The documentary collects testimonies of people and organizations from Cabo Delgado in Mozambique. A model of social organization and resistance against the armed violence by different groups and against the activity of the big transnational enterprises.

The screening starts at 19:00h and the entry is free.