
Gernika Gogoratuz. Afaloste. Convivencia al pil-pil. Laboratorio Gastronómico-Social


This year we will have two face-to-face Afalostes in which we will meet in two txokos, in Bilbao and in Donosti. There, we will cook and talk about our experiences around our memory and what it has meant in our lives for coexistence.

Below we explain what it consists of.

Read it and if you find it interesting, sign up!

Summing up Afaloste

What is it?
5 hours of gastronomic-social laboratories in a txoko. We will cook, eat and talk about memory, intergenerational transmission, coexistence, diversity, etc.

Several Afalostes will be held in txokos in the three provinces of the Basque Country.

When will it take place?
November 16, 2021 in Mingorri Kultur Elkartea, Bilbao (in Basque).
November 30, 2021 at Zelai Txiki Restaurant, Donostia (bilingual).
Timetable: 19:00-22:00

Who can participate?

25 people (maximum) in each gastronomic-social laboratory*.

*A basic criterion will be maintained to ensure sufficient diversity in aspects such as: members/non-members, young people/adults (2/3 generations), men and women.

The Afaloste dynamic has a cost of 5 € (dinner and dynamic conversation) per person.

The Afaloste initiative is promoted by Eskubidez, Forum of Human Rights and Peace Education Organisations, made up of 25 associations from all over the Basque Country. The implementation will be in the hands of Bakeola-EDE and Gernika Gogoratuz, and it will be led by Iñigo Retolaza.

Don’t miss out on your place! Gora Afaloste!