Afaloste. Coexistence at the edge. Social gastronomic laboratory. 2018-2020

Afaloste. Coexistence at the edge. Social gastronomic laboratory. 2018-2020

Afaloste is a gastronomic-social laboratory where a diverse and intergenerational group of people gather around a gastronomic centre, eat and talk together about their personal experiences of the politically motivated violence suffered for decades in the Basque Country.

Both Memorialab and Afaloste initiatives are designed under an action-research approach. In a way, they combine cycles of action and reflection that feed back on each other over the years (2013-2020).

This evolutionary approach has led Afaloste to emerge naturally from Memorialab, thanks to the support of the Forum of Associations for Education in Human Rights and Peace, in respon- se to a social need.

The promoting organizations have been able to learn and adapt constantly, thus maintaining a thread of perma- nent action-research. This organizational learning is reflected in the implementation of innovative social initiatives that respond to the zeitgeist (the spirit of times), just like Afaloste.

Afaloste. Coexistence at the edge. Social gastronomic laboratory 2018-2020

Document prepared by:

Iñigo Retolaza Eguren, Coordinator
Iratxe Momoitio Astorkia, Gernika Peace Museum
Rocío Salazar Torre, Bakeola-EDE Fundazioa
María Oianguren Idigoras, Gernika Gogoratuz Peace Research Center

Publication elaborated for the Foro de Asociaciones de Educación en Derechos Humanos y por la Paz (Forum of Associations for Education in Human Rights and Peace )
Translation done by Werner Lagler.

Edited by:

Foro de Asociaciones de Educación en Derechos Humanos y por la Paz


diciembre 2020


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