Intractable conflicts: keys to treatment. Christopher R. Mitchell

Intractable conflicts: keys to treatment. Christopher R. Mitchell

Christopher Mitchell is currently the Drucie French Cumbie Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, Virginia, where he teaches on both Masters and Doctoral programs at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR).



  • Introduction
  • Intractable conflict: the extent and nature of the problem
    • Intractable Conflicts in the 1990’s
    • The Characteristics of Intractable Conflicts
  • Remedies, keys and treatments;some principles
    • Traditional Approaches
    • Some Principles of “Treatment”
  • Some keys to facilitate a conflict resolution process
  • Some keys to avoid
  • Conclusions
  • References


Intractable conflicts: keys to treatment
Mitchell, Christopher  (1997)
Gernika-Lumo: Gernika Gogoratuz. Red Gernika.
Working paper 10. 17p.
ISSN: 1136-5811


Marzo 1997


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